Dear friends,
This Friday – November 4 – will mark two years since Ethiopia’s civil war erupted. Ukraine has rightly captured the world’s attention. But the world’s deadliest war continues to rage in Ethiopia and has been largely overlooked by the world.
To mark the second anniversary of Ethiopia’s civil war, I want to invite you to do three things below: (1) watch a short video with an inspiring call for peace, (2) pray for peace in Ethiopia, and (3) read an interview that I did with a heroic Ethiopian surgeon in the heart of the war. This should only take you fifteen minutes.
But first a brief update on the conflict:
Last week, the main parties in Ethiopia’s civil war – the Ethiopian federal government and the Tigray regional government – met for the first time to start formal peace talks in South Africa. This was an encouraging step in the right direction.
Sadly, however, the primary representative from the Ethiopian government never showed up, and the fighting in Tigray continued throughout the talks. .. Read More